Chairman of Jury

His studies in The Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Cracow in piano class of Professor Andrzej Pikul he finished in 2002 with distinction. In the same year he started post graduated study in master piano class of Professor Willem Brons in Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam, which he finished in 2005. In March 2010 he got his PhD in music in The Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Cracow where nowadays he is leading his own piano class in piano department. In 2017 he got his habilitation title. His students are prizewinners of national and international piano competitions. He is a prize winner of national and international piano competition: National Polish Piano Competition EPTA in Cracow, International Piano Competition for Young Pianists in Gaillard in France, Polish Music Festival “Week of Talent” in Tarnów, Piano Competition “Tadeusz Żmudziński im Memoriam” in Cracow, Special Prize for the best performance of romantic music in International Piano Masterclass in Tel-Hai in Israel, International Pacific Piano Competition in Vancouver in Canada and International Piano Competition “Ciutat de Mallorca” in Palma de Mallorca. He was a scholarship holder of Polish Minister of Culture and Art, Jűtting Foundation in Stendal, Maestro Hans Vonk, Schumann-Schimmel van Outeren Foundation in Holland.
Gajusz Kęska performs wide repertoire as a soloist and chamber music player and regularly plays in prestigious halls during festivals and concerts in most of the countries of Europe and China, Canada, Japan, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Equador and Israel. The most important of them are: International Chopin Festival „Chopin Tage” in Leipzig, Festival „Polish days” in Prague, Polish Composers Festival in Atma, „International Woche Festival” in Stefaniensall in Graz, Jutting Foundation Festival in Stendal, Gala Concert in Bosendorfersall in Vienna promotion Poland as a member of European Union, Recanti Auditorium in Tel-Aviv, Polish Embassy in Tokyo, Polish Master Pianist Festival in Słupsk, Gateway Theater in Vancouver, Holland Music Session in Holland, Auditorio Forteza in Palma de Mallorca, Vriendenkrans Music Festival in Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Festival of Prizewinners of Music Competitions in Philharmonic Hall in Katowice, Chopin Recitals in the house of F. Chopin in Żelazowa Wola, Teatro Oriente and Centrum Culturale de Providencia in Santiago de Chile, St. Giles Cathedra in Edinburgh, Rainbow Theatre in Inverness, Teatro del Lago – during “Semanas Musicales” Festival in Frutillar (Chile), Auditorium Ricardo Palma in Lima and in Teatro Sucre in Quito, National Philharmony of Belarus in Minsk, “Iguazu en Concierto Music Festival” in Iguazu (Argentina).
In 2013 his debut CD with Piano Sonatas of K. Szymanowski for nominated for ICMA 2013, for Fryderyk Prize 2013 and got Prize from Spanish music magazine “Scherzo”.
From 2015 he is creator and director of International Competition for Young Pianist “Chopin at Wawel” in Krakow, Poland. Since the same year Gajusz Kęska is coorganizer and artistic director of international masterclasses Academy of Talent in Łącko, Poland.